Conceived in Rape-Incest, I Was Bullied After Testifying Before the NM Legislature, by Rowena Slusser

On Friday, February 20, 2015, I went to the New Mexico Roundhouse to speak out in support of HB 390 Late-term Abortion Ban — without the rape exception.  My family and I got there early, and I was excited, but nervous! This was a big step for me on so many levels.  While I have […]

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Conceived in Incestuous Rape, My Mom Said NO to Abortion! by Rowena Slusser

I woke up this morning, on my 13,499th day of life. The idea that I was unplanned and conceived in incestuous rape, floods my thoughts today. Who wanted me? My mom didn’t even know she was pregnant with me. My father may have wanted me, but why would he? He raped his daughter and that […]

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