Why Vote Pro-Life, Without Exception, by Rebecca Kiessling, Esq.

Recently, a feminist who advocates for the rape exception and opposes the criminalization of abortion — yet has enjoyed a presence within the pro-life movement — posted a video and wrote an op-ed for a Dallas newspaper justifying voting for a pro-abortion Democrat for U.S. Senate, saying she broke the pro-life rule to only vote […]

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My Amazing Child Who Came From the Worst Day of My Life, by Tricia Allen

He was my friend.  He made me laugh.  He was a very big guy about 6 foot 3 and 280 pounds.  It was December 19th.  I remember that distinctly.  He was trying to cheer me up because it was the anniversary of my father‘s death, and he was visiting me at my apartment.  I had […]

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Called a “Threat to My Life”, Yet Here We BOTH Are, by Heather Hobbs

After I conceived my first child in rape, I met my now husband Jeremy who was and is amazing in so many ways.  From the beginning, he was just filled with a bright light that I simply could not stay away from.  We met through our church when I was announcing for the Oregon Special […]

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