Will My Silence Save Babies? ~By Mary Rathke

With the recent debate in the New Mexico HB 390 Late-term Abortion Ban a fellow conceived in rape woman I know, was asked to be silent. She was told that her silence would save 95% of the babies that are killed in late term abortions. These politicians must assume that a woman who is desperate enough to receive […]

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Putting A Face to the Issue Through Ads by Mary Rathke

The only way to overturn Roe v Wade is to stop the exceptions!  Did you know that Norma McCorvey – “Jane Roe” — was told by her lawyers to say she was gang-raped, in order to make her case stronger to obtain an abortion?  Today, her daughter is alive because the Texas Court protected them […]

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Roots and Your Family Tree

Ever think about your roots? As an adoptee, when I hear others talk about their genealogy or family reunions, it can cause mixed emotions. Many who are adopted eagerly desire to connect with their birth families and actively seek them out. In my case, though, my adoption was open. As I grew older, the more I […]

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Hard Cases Unite to Make a Difference! by Rebecca Kiessling

How would like to be labeled  “a hard case?”  What if your class of people were systematically targeted for extinction within legislation?  What if political candidates felt quite comfortable with stating their position that you and your kind aren’t worth protecting and better off dead?  What if your child was regularly stigmatized by our society?  […]

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