The Dangers of Montana’s Pain-Free “Humane Abortion” Bill by Sarah St. Onge

As the mother of a child who was diagnosed with a lethal birth defect during pregnancy, and who carried her baby to term, I was disheartened  — better yet, horrified — to learn that such an influential pro-life leader as Fr. Frank Pavone from Priests for Life, as well as Jill Stanek and Eric Scheidler, […]

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Montana Anesthesia Abortion Bill — It’s OK to Kill as Long as Your Victim Doesn’t Feel Pain? by Rebecca Kiessling

About a month ago, I first heard about the Montana “Unborn Child Pain and Suffering Act,” (HB 479) which is their version of the “Pain-Capable” bill.  However, instead of banning late-term abortions based upon the premise that unborn children feel pain, this bill, as now passed by the Legislature and sent to the Governor for […]

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